Should you Buy or Rent a Home in Vancouver in 2024

As one of the top general contractors in Vancouver and has been in the industry for over 20 years, Level One has seen the city of Vancouver evolve rapidly over the past decade. With high interest rates, soaring property prices, and high rental rates, people are confused about whether it’s still worth it to buy vs rent. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages which is what we are highlighting today.

Owning a Home


  1. You’re Building Equity: One of the most talked about advantages of owning a home is building equity. Over time, as you pay down your mortgage and property values increase, your investment grows. This can provide a great financial return if you decide to sell in the future.

  2. More Stability and Control: Owning a home means you have more stability since you don’t have to worry about lease renewals or sudden rent increases. And if you’re someone who cares about their space, owning your Vancouver home means you can renovate your kitchen, bathroom, or whole home to your liking. 

  3. Tax Benefits: Homeowners in Canada can benefit from various tax deductions and credits, such as the First-Time Home Buyers' Tax Credit and the Home Accessibility Tax Credit, which can make homeownership more financially appealing.


  1. High Upfront Costs: The initial costs of buying a home in Vancouver are nothing to laugh at. A significant down payment, closing costs, property transfer taxes, and other fees can add up and most people need to get help from family members to get started in the market.

  2. Maintenance and Repairs: As a homeowner, you're responsible for all maintenance and repairs. Depending on the type of repairs, this would be tens of thousands of dollars. When making repairs, always use professionals like general contractors to ensure the job is done right the first time.

  3. Vancouver Market Uncertainty: While historically over the long term, Vancouver real estate has only gone up, there is no way to guarantee it will keep going up. Not to mention the area you choose to buy in will also greatly impact how your property appreciates. If you’re looking at buying a property or building one, get in touch with construction contractors in Vancouver to give you the inside scoop on the best neighbourhoods. Keep in mind that the type of property will also impact how it’s affected by the market. 

Renting a Home


  1. Flexibility: Some of us are afraid of commitment. Renting is great for those who want the flexibility to move around and relocate without the hassle of selling a home.

  2. Lower Initial Costs: If a down payment is daunting, renting typically requires a lower initial financial investment. You’ll still need a security deposit and first and/or last month's rent, but this will still be much easier than saving to buy a home.

  3. Lower Maintenance: As a renter, you don’t need to worry about home maintenance and repairs since this is generally the landlord's responsibility. This means less hassle and not having to budget for big repairs and housing emergencies.


  1. No Equity Building: Unlike owning, renting does not build equity, it’s an expense. 

  2. Rent Increases: In Vancouver, rental rates have been rising steadily with housing prices and interest rate hikes. Rent control measures can offer some protection, but renters may still face significant increases over time which can start to erode savings plans.

  3. Limited Control: While you can do rental-friendly DIY projects to make a space your own, you might not be able to personalize your living space to the extent you'd like. So there’s no room for a full home renovation or any major home upgrades without permission.

For more information or to ask any questions, chat with Level One Construction today! And see why we continue to be one of Vancouver’s top general contractors for all home renovations.
